Eagle Scout Board of Review
List of items to be reviewed before an Eagle Board of Review.
Know the Parts of the First Class Emblem

- The three points of the trefoil stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath.
- The shape of the Scout badge means that a Scout can point the right way in life as truly as does a compass in the field.
- There are two stars on the badge. They symbolize truth and knowledge.
- The eagle and shield stand for freedom and a Scout's readiness to defend that freedom.
- The scroll bearing the Scout motto is turned up at the ends as a reminder that a Scout smiles as he does his duty.
- The knot at the bottom of the scroll serves as a reminder of the Scout slogan, Do a Good Turn Daily.
Questions that Will Be Asked
- Recite the Scout Oath?
- Recite the Scout Law?
- Recite the Scout Motto?
- Recite the Scout Slogan?
- Recite the Outdoor Code?
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance?
- Explain the history of BSA Scouts coming to America (know who Sir Robert Baden-Powell, William D. Boyce, and the Unknown Scout are).
Questions that Might Be Asked
Don't get too stressed out and DO NOT memorize all these. This is just to get the feel for the types of questions you might be asked on a board. Of course this list is not all inclusive... but use it to help you "Be Prepared".
- What is the hardest point of the Scout Law for you to live by - why?
- What point of the Scout Law is the most important to you - why?
- What does "Scouting Spirit" mean to you - why?
- What do the various points of the scout law mean to you?
- What values has Scouting taught you that you think others see in you - at home, in your unit, at school and/or in the community?
- How do you live by the Scout Law and Oath?
- What do the different points of the Scout Oath mean to you?
- What does "duty to God" mean to you?
- What does "duty to Country" mean to you?
- How do you "help others at all times"?
- How do you feel about wearing your uniform in public?
- What leadership positions have you held?
- What were your responsibilities in each position?
- What leadership position do you hold now?
- What you would do if a scout refused to comply and/or ignored a valid request you made in the performance of his duties.
- How might you handle "hurry-up" first aid cases.
- Have you earned any merit badges that will help you in your choice of occupation?
- What merit badge did you enjoy working on the most - why?
- Conversely, which one did you enjoy working on the least - why?
- What changes would you make in the unit?
- If you earn your Eagle rank tonight, what do you intend to do to repay Scouting, your unit and its leaders?
- Who has been the most influential person in your Scouting career?
- Is there anything Scouting did not give you that you feel could be beneficial to the program to help other young men develop?
- What group benefited from your project?.
- How did you find out about the need?
- Walk the Board through the project from beginning to end
- Once your project was approved, did you have to modify it - what did you learn from that experience?
- Who did you get involved in helping with your project - scouts, adults from the troop, members of the benefiting organization?
- Did you have any problems directing adults in their work - how did you feel about that?
- In what ways do you feel you demonstrated leadership in this project?
- Every scout feels his project was "special" - how is this project "special"?
- Thirty years from now when someone else asks you what you did for you Eagle project, what will stand out in your mind - how will you answer that question?
- What plans do you have for the future? - college, Armed Forces, trade school..?
- How do you feel earning Eagle will help you in those plans?
- What should an Eagle Scout be expected to do and what responsibilities do you think come with the rank?
- What do you plan to do in scouting in the immediate and long range future?
- What was his most enjoyable experience in Scouting?
- Conversely, what was his least enjoyable experience?
- How many summer camps has he attended and where?
- What did he enjoy most about his summer camp experiences?
- Have you attended any High Adventure camps ( Philmont ) - where and what did he enjoy about them - describe the experience
- What about his outdoor experiences in Scouting - campouts, 50 milers, etc.
- What would you suggest adding to the Scout Law (a thirteenth point)? Why?
- What one point could be removed from the Scout Law? Why?
- Why is it important to learn how to tie knots, and lash together poles and logs?
- What is the difference between a "Hollywood hero" and a real hero?
- Can you give me an example of someone who is a hero to you? (A real person, not a character in a book or movie.)
- Why do you think that the Family Life merit badge was recently added to the list of required merit badges?
- What camping experience have you had, that you wish every Scout could have?
- Have you been to Philmont or a National (International) Jamboree? What was your most memorable experience there?
- What is the role of the Senior Patrol Leader at a troop meeting (campout, summer camp)?
- If you could change one thing to improve Scouting, what would you change?
- What do you believe our society expects from an Eagle Scout?
- The charge to the Eagle requires that you give back to Scouting more than Scouting has given to you. How do you propose to do that?
- As an Eagle Scout, what can you personally do to improve your unit?
- What will you be doing in your unit, after receiving your Eagle Rank?
- Tell us how you selected your Eagle Service Project.
- From your Eagle Service Project, what did you learn about managing or leading people? What are the qualities of a good leader?
- If you were to manage another project similar to your Eagle Service Project, what would you do differently to make the project better or easier?
- What are your future plans (high school, college, trade school, military, career, etc.)?
- Fact-general questions Tell us about your family (parents, siblings, etc.). How do you help out at home?
- What do you think is the single biggest issue facing Scouting in the future?
- How do your friends outside of Scouting react when they learn that you are a Boy Scout? How do you think they will react when they learn that you have become an Eagle Scout?
- Why do you think that belief in God (a supreme being) is part of the Scouting requirements?
- How do you know when a Scout is "active" in his unit?
- You have been in Scouting for many years, sum up all of those experiences in one word. Why?
- What one thing have you gained from your Scoutmaster's conferences over the years?
- How does an Eagle Scout continue to show Scout Spirit?
- What does OA membership mean to you?
- Who brought Scouting from England to the United States?
- Why should this Board of Review approve your request for the Eagle Rank? or Why should you be an Eagle Scout?
- How do you plan to continue your involvement with Scouting?
- What would you say to a Life Scout who is only minimally active within his unit, and who does not seem motivated to continue along the Scouting Trail?
- If a Life Scout was having difficulty selecting an Eagle Service Project, what would you suggest to him?
- What is the primary role of the Scoutmaster?
- How have you begun to "... give back to Scouting more than Scouting has given to you".
- What will you do as an Eagle Scout to give back to Scouting?
- What do you believe our society expects from an Eagle Scout?
- Of all the patches on your uniform, which one means the most or which one of them are you proudest to wear?
- If you could do it all over again, would you, and why?
- What lessons did you learn from the Eagle process and how do you think those lessons will help you in your future endeavors? In other words, what will you take away from this experience?
- Would you describe the effort you have put into your Scouting career?
- How do you balance accomplishments you are so proud of such as your Eagle with the peer perception that Scouting is uncool?
- How have you demonstrated persistance or persaverance in something?
- What is the most pressing issue today? Why?
- What point of the Scout Law do you think is the hardest for the youth of today to follow? Why?
- Please stand up, give me the 12 points of the Scout Law, and tell me what each one means to you.
- Tell me which is more important: earning the rank of Eagle or wearing it?
- Why should we make you an Eagle Scout tonight? In other words, how have you demonstrated the characteristics of an Eagle Scout and what is our assurance that you will continue to use them throughout your life?
- If you could talk to anyone throughout history, who would it be and what would you talk about?
- If you could change one requirement for Eagle, what would it be?
- If you could add one point to the Scout Law, what would it be and why? If you could remove one point from the Scout Law, what would it be and why? (Greg P.)
- What is something you found in Scouting that you can improve upon?
- When was the moment you knew you wanted to earn Eagle?
- There are 21 merit badges required for Eagle. If you had to add one more to the required list, which one would it be, and why?
- What do you do to make your home a happy place to live?
- Who do you feel is responsible for your being before us today?
- Was the personal interview with your Scoutmaster of help to you?
- What school do you attend?
- What subjects interest you the most?
- Do you participate in any school activities?
- What do you do in your spare time outside of Scouting?
- How do you earn your spending money?
- What religious activities do you participate in?
- Do you hold any offices in religious activities?
- Are you working on the religious award of your faith?
- What does "A Scout is Reverent" mean to you?
- What do you consider is your greatest weakness?
- What are you doing to overcome this weakness?
- What do you consider your greatest strength?
- Are you able to share this strength?
- Are you able to analyze your own shortcomings?
- What do you plan for your future after your schooling and Scouting days are over?
- Suppose you had a very good friend on drugs and you just found out about it. What would you do to help him?
- If you make Eagle, you will get your picture in the paper. How will you respond to the different types of remarks and comments you will receive?
- What do you consider the purpose of the merit badge program?
- What badge interested you the most and why?
- Which badge was the hardest for you to earn and why?
- Which badges were you least interested in?
- What further responsibilities does the earning of 21 merit badges, especially the required badges, place upon you as a citizen?
- Why do you want to be an Eagle Scout?
- Why did you become a Scout?
- What do your friends say about you being a Boy Scout?
- Not counting your troop camping trips, what is the best thing you have done as a Scout?
- What does the Scout "Good Turn" mean to you?
- Do you feel that becoming an Eagle Scout puts any obligation upon your future?
- What is an Eagle Scout's duty to his country?
- What place in society should an Eagle Scout assume after you are finished with school and are out of Scouting?
- As an adult, what position should you, as an Eagle, assume in the community?
- Have you been carrying any additional responsibilities in your troop since becoming a Life Scout?
- What do you do personally to make your troop a better troop?
- What do you do to help younger Scouts along the trail?
- Have you noticed any weaknesses in any of the patrols in your troop?
- Have you any suggestions that might help those patrols?
- What do you think makes your troop operate so well?
- If you could change the merit badge program, what would you do to make it better?
- What do you do to help younger Scouts get started on the merit badges?
- Do you intend to earn any Eagle Palms?
- Have any of your merit badges sparked an interest that might lead you into a career in life?
- How do you pass on the skills you have learned in the merit badge program to help the younger boy in the troop?
- What type of books-do you like to read? Can you give the name or title of the last book you read?
- How do you keep yourself "physically strong?" "Mentally alert?"