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Backpacking at Pate Hollow

Two day, one night backpacking trip to southern Indiana
Sat, Sep 26-27, 2020

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13 registered

The Scout Hut on Sat, Sep 26 @ 8:30 AM
The Scout Hut on Sun, Sep 27 @ 11:30 AM
Free, each person is responsible for their own food

Mr Jackson enjoys Backpacking, and it's a great way to enhance your skills at packing everything for a weekend on your back.

Over the weeks leading up to the trip, we will be discussing many aspects of backpacking.  We have equipment that can be barrowed, like packs and tents.

Backpacking Tips and Thoughts from me and the troop.

To Prepare we will discuss the various aspects of backpacking as follows:

Tues., Sept 1 - Packs and Shelter

  1. Packs: Internal & External frame
  2. Tent, hammock, or lean-to
  3. Sleeping bag

Tues., Sept 8 - Food and Cooking

  1. Cooking
  2. Water treatment
  3. Food

Tues., Sept 15 - Personal Gear

  1. Footwear
  2. Rain gear
  3. Lights
  4. Knife
  5. Toilet paper
  6. Trowel
  7. Soap
  8. First Aid kit
  9. Map & Compass

Tues., Sept 22 - Shake Down

  1. Review
  2. Bring pack to troop meeting for inspection



Trip Agenda

  • Total backpacking trip will be approx 6 miles (4 on Saturday, 2 on Sunday)
  • Those backpacking will need to pack Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast (plus snacks)
  • All supplies must be packed in and out
  • Each scout is required to pack their own meal
  • We will have a chapel service on the trail Sunday morning


The trailhead is located directly behind the Paynetown State Recreation Office, just west of the Indiana Conservation Officer Headquarters.



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