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Scouting for Food

Mon, Mar 30-Apr 30, 2020

Event iCal

Mon, Mar 30
Thu, Apr 30

KROGER SCOUTING FOR FOOD will be returning March 30 to April 30.  This is our chance to flex our community spirit and help hundreds of our neighbors avoid hunger!  With 17,813 logged service hours (including 47 completed Eagle projects) in 2019, I am certain we are up to the challenge.

I know all units are busy and already have their April schedules planned, so I am asking for just 1.5 – 3 hours of your scout’s time.  Last year each Hou Koda scout averaged just over 60 items collected.  Therefore, this small amount of time is all that is needed for each scout to provide a week’s supply of food to one or more family.

To sign up for the 2020 Kroger Scouting for food, please reply to Bill Holloway (CivicService@houkoda.org) AND fill out the following form:


Be creative in how you collect the food items.
- Door to door is the traditional method used.  On average each scout distributes and collected 20 labeled bags in about 1.5 hours.  Collection territory maps will be provided at a later time.
- Store front collection at Kroger.  Kroger has not yet decided if they will allow scouts to collect by this method yet, but I am hopeful.  Feb 17 is when we will find out.  A group of 4-6 scouts can collect about one grocery cart of items per hour.
- Setup a food drive at your school or charter.  It only takes one scout to do this and a lot of food can be collected!  A blurb for a newsletter is attached.

To speed up delivery of the items, centralized drop off locations will be planned for both Marion and Hendricks counties for April 25.  The locations and time should be confirmed by the next Roundtable meeting.  If this date does not work for your unit, contact CivicService@houkoda.org to make other arrangements if needed.

More information will be provided at the next Roundtable.  Also, at the February Roundtable, Kelly Odom will describe the needs and operation processes of Cornerstone Christian Food Pantry, while Mindy Duckett will discuss the Hendricks County Food Pantry Coalition operations.

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