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IYOS at the Scout Hut

Updated due to lack of registration
Tue, Aug 29, 2023

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5 registered

Scout Hut on Tue, Aug 29 @ 7:00 PM
Scout Hut on Tue, Aug 29 @ 8:30 PM

1.5 hr meeting.  


Because we did not get enough people to sign up, we need to change the meeting to Tuesday.


- Gary will open the meeting.

- Mr. Burke will explain the Rules.

- Then he will explain what last years schedule and results were as far as program and a list of Merit Badges will be provided along with last year

- Gary will open the floor for discussion regarding which activities the scouts liked, he will write them on the board.

- The time for the floor will open and scouts will think about what other Merit Badges or activities they would like to pursue.

- These become themes for the scouts, we need at least 12 (although, there is always many more).

- The scouts will then attempt to associate camping locations and merit badges with the theme.

- The scouts will then take a vote on each object.  Each Scout will get 3 votes (Top 3 activities).  This will happen until we narrow down 12 themes.  Ties will get a parliment recast.  Scouts can parliment back and forth about how to use the votes.

- Then we will discuss Scout Camp.  The scouts will be presented with options to go to scout camp and they can vote on all the options.  Scouts get 2 votes and we will parliment back and forth until there is a clear winner.

Once complete, the scribe will take a picture and type up the results and send them to Mr. Burke



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