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Wilderness First Aid Training (Philmont Crew) at Camp Belzer

Sat, Feb 10-11, 2024

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Sat, Feb 10 @ 6:00 AM
Sun, Feb 11 @ 7:00 PM

All four of the BSA high-adventure bases (HAB) require at least one person per trek (two per trek at Philmont Scout Ranch) to be current in WFA through one of the BSA’s approved providers. Of course, having more participants trained in WFA skills is highly recommended for any high adventure or backcountry experience.

Many other councils that offer high-adventure programs are encouraged to require WFA training as part of their requirements. Check directly with the local council providing the high-adventure program for details. In addition, participants in unit-centered high-adventure programs would greatly benefit from WFA skills in the event of an emergency.

Wilderness First Aid Documents

BSA WFA Curriculum

Red Cross WFA Instructor's Manual


Time is the essential element distinguishing wilderness first aid from standard first aid. When calling 911 is not an immediate option, or when help could be an hour or even days away, the task of managing the injured and the ill will challenge you beyond basic first-aid knowledge, and require the skills you will learn in this course.

Long hikes, extended lengths of rivers, large expanses of ocean, and miles of asphalt may separate the patient from a medical facility. You may have to endure heat or cold, rain, wind, or darkness.

The equipment needed for treatment and evacuation may have to be improvised from what’s available, and communication with the “outside world” may be limited—or even nonexistent. Remote locations and harsh environments may require creative treatments. All of this comes into play being a wilderness first aider.

This course is an intensive course which offers a lot of hands-on practice through scenarios, case studies and simulations. Students will constantly be both indoors and outdoors for simulations and practice, regardless of the weather, barring severe inclement weather. Come to class prepared for the weather, as we spend a lot of time outdoors training.


WHAT IS WILDERNESS FIRST AID?  Wilderness first aid (WFA) is a course for everyone planning a remote high adventure ranging from lay responders to medical professionals. It focuses on prevention, assessment, and treatment for an ill or injured person in a remote environment where definitive care by a physician and/or rapid transport is not readily available. This is defined as being an hour or more away from advanced care.

This weekend class prepares you to handle serious back-country emergencies.  Wilderness First Aid is a comprehensive series of lessons in how to react and respond in remote, life threatening situations.  Lots of activity and hands-on work in classroom and outdoor scenarios keeps it fun!

WHO IS IT FOR?  Scout leaders and older Scouts with some First Aid training and a serious interest in advancing their knowledge. You should be familiar with the material in the First Aid Merit Badge pamphlet. WFA certification is required for the BSA High Adventure bases.

SCHEDULE:  WFA is a 16 hour course with an integrated 3 hour CPR course (total 19 hours). The general schedule is Saturday 7:00 am to 8:00 pm and Sunday 8:00 am to 5:30 pm.  Friday and Saturday night housing is available upon request. With overnight stay, Sunday Breakfast is continental. 

MINIMUM AGE:  Course participants must be at least 14 years old.

CERTIFICATE:  Participants will receive a two (2) year Emergency Care and Safety Institute certification upon completion.

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