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Civil War Days, Battle at Belzer at Camp Belzer

Fri, Oct 28-30, 2011

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21 registered

Scout Hut on Fri, Oct 28 @ 4:30 PM
Scout Hut on Sun, Oct 30 @ 10:00 AM
$30 registered scouts, $40 per quest

Make your own Civil War era rifle for use at camp. Made from 2x6 and PVC pipes. Download PDF instructions.

WHAT YOU GET: Registration includes camping Friday and Saturday nights, an official event patch & T-shirt, interaction with reenactors, drills, program features, ration bag (food) and hot period authentic dinner on Saturday.

ELIGIBILITY: This event is open to the first 600 registered Boy Scout youth and leaders. A troop may invite Webelos to attend with them but no Webelos can attend without being hosted by a troop. Two deep leadership is a mandatory requirement for a unit to attend. A parent and son may attend on their own.

CAMP ASSIGNMENTS: Your unit will be assigned to either the Union Army or the Confederate Army based on antici- pated reenactor to Scout ratios and the planned scenario being scripted. Assignments will be announced after close of registration but prior to the event.

CHAIN OF COMMAND: The reenactors are the overall event commanders, but in keeping with the Boy Scouts of America's philosophy of building leadership skills in our youth, they will look to your units leadership for individual Troop (Company) command. Everyone else, including adults, will serve as the rank of Private if you are a veteran of the event, or Recruit if your are new to the event. If your elected leadership is not attending, please assign people in advance to fill these positions. If you have less than 20 total youth and adults attending, you will be partnered with other units to attain the minimum Company compliment of 20 enlisted. Your combined units' leadership will choose the Company's leaders from those who are in attendance and are eligible.

GEAR TO BRING: Camping equipment, flashlights, first aid kits, canteens, mess kits, can openers, double shoulder strap day packs or book bags for carrying rations, rain gear, dry change of clothing, your Troop/Crew flag (to be used as Company flag); Union Troops - American flag, dark blue outer wear item to identify you on the Field of Honor; Confederate Troops - Confederate flag if anyone in your unit has one, light gray or tan outer wear item to identify you as a sol- dier for the Confederacy.

WOODFIELD RIFLES: Illustrated instructions for constructing both the basic and advanced models will be emailed to the registering leader.

FOOD: We issue individual Civil War era Army regulation ration packs that your Troop will draw from the Commissary Saturday morning. These are modern approximations of what was actually issued to soldiers of the day. We want to make this as much of an immersion experience as possible. Therefore, you are strongly urged to stick with this menu. People with special dietary needs are exempt from adhering to the ration packs, but should remove themselves to the parking lot to eat their outside food. Dinner is on your own Friday evening prior to arrival at the site. Sunday Breakfast will be on your own.


  • No fire pits. Build your fires right on top of the ground. You'll be responsible for gathering your own firewood from around the camp, though you may bring your own charcoal if you choose. Build your fires on the leeward side of your camp. You'll be told which side that is. No fires are to be built within 20 feet of any tent or dining fly.
  • You will not be allowed to take your equipment trailers beyond the parking lot. As such, you should come prepared to have your people utilize the camp's carry-alls to transport your equipment from the parking lot to your campsite.
  • No ATVs. No electronic entertainment equipment (MP3 players, Game Boys, radios, etc.)
  • No gas or liquid fuel stoves or lanterns. Use Dutch ovens and flashlights or battery powered lanterns.

TRADING POST: We will have a small trading post with camping supplies, snacks and Civil War era type items.

SPECIAL MEDICAL NEEDS: We will attempt to accommodate any special medical needs such as electrical power and accessibility. We ask that you make us aware of your needs in advance.

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