Summer Camp at Adventure Point, Ransburg
Summer Camp for Troop 306
Sun, Jun 23-29, 2013
View Registry
36 registered
36 registered
Ransburg Parking Lot on Sun, Jun 23 @ 12:30 PM
Ransburg BSA Camp on Sat, Jun 29 @ 10:20 AM
$180 per scout; $50 per adult
Adventure Point, Ransburg
7599 Waldrip Creek Rd, Bloomington, IN
7599 Waldrip Creek Rd, Bloomington, IN
Daily Menu to Bring:
- Class A Shirt (mandatory at Dinner time and for Firecrafters)
- Scout Handbook
- Notebook
- Pen or Pencil
- Clothes, underwear and socks for 6 days (plus a few replacements)
- Jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt
- Swimming trunks (pack on top or wear on Sunday)
- Comfortable shoes (if taking Boating or Swimming need pair to wear in pool)
- Water proof/tight boots
- Rain gear - poncho or raincoat
- Belt
- Water bottle
- Sleeping bag or blankets
- Small pillow
- Toothbrush, towels, soap, comb, etc.
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellent (non-aerosol)
- Flashlight
- Extra batteries
- Watch
- Personal first aid kit
- Religious materials
- Pocket knife (don't forget your Totem' Chip)
- Long pants (jeans) and long sleeve shirt are required for the Swimming merit badge (to be used in water)
- Backpack, duffel bag, or foot locker for transporting gear as keeping at camp
- Prescription medication must be in original container
- Camp chair
- OPTIONAL: Camera
What NOT to Bring:
- Phones
- Radios
- Media Players
- Electronic games or device
- Fireworks
- Explosives
- Matches
- Large or fixed blade knives
Directions to Ransburg:
Ransburg Scout Reservation BSA7599 Waldrip Creek Road
Bloomington, IN
- Head to Bloomington
- In Bloomington take IN-45 East to IN-446 (junction near Bruster's Real Ice Cream shop)
- IN-446 South to Waldrip Creek Road, about 1 mile past the bridge over Lake Monroe
- Turn right (west) on Waldrip Creek Road and follow around to Ransburg
- We will meet as a group in the Ransburg parking lot, then drive back as a troop.