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Jamboree T2446 Camp Out at Morgan-Monroe State Forest

For Jamboree Troop 2446 Only
Sat, Apr 8-9, 2017

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32 registered

The Scout Hut (or 10:30am at MMSF) on Sat, Apr 8 @ 9:00 AM
The Scout Hut on Sun, Apr 9 @ 12:00 PM
Morgan-Monroe State Forest
6220 Forest Rd, Martinsville, IN 47408

Parents can drop off/pick up from:

  • The Scout Hut
  • Morgan-Monroe State Forrest

For those closer to Morgan-Monroe, I assume you would rather just drive your son to the camp site.  Just be there by 10:30 AM.

I have changed the end time on Sunday.  I know this may interfere with church plans for parents, but I need to be back Sunday earlier than I expected.

Timeline for those meet-ups:

  • Sat. 8:40 AM - Gather at Scout Hut
  • Sat. 9:00 AM - Depart from the Scout Hut
  • Sat. 10:30 AM - Meet at Morgan-Monore (for those not meeting at Scout Hut)
  • Sun. 10:30 AM - Leave Morgan-Monore (for those not meeting at Scout Hut)
  • Sun. Noon - Back at the Scout Hut

We will be staying in the Youth Area just north of the main Office, off Scout Ridge Rd.

Scouts will need to bring:

  1. Mess Kit
  2. Drinking Cup
  3. Water Bottle
  4. Camp Chair (optional, but highly recommended)
  5. Rain Gear
  6. Sleep Gear
  7. Clothes
  8. Flashlight(s) with Batteries

Our troop will provide tents, cookware, fuel, and all the normal troop stuff.

Meal Plan (subject to change):

  1. Saturday Lunch (grilled ham & cheese, soup)
  2. Saturday Dinner (chili cookoff)
  3. Saturday Night Snack (cobbler)
  4. Sunday - Breakfast (eggs, ham, cheese in a bag)


6220 Forest Road
Martinsville, Indiana 47408
(765) 342-4026

Tree identification trail and info

Morgan-Monroe State Forest encompasses more than 24,000 acres in Morgan and Monroe counties in south central Indiana. The forest land encompasses many steep ridges and valleys, and is forested with some of the state's finest hardwoods.

The original settlers of the area cleared and attempted to farm the ridges, but were frustrated by rocky soil unsuitable for agriculture. The state purchased the eroded, abandoned land to create Morgan-Monroe State Forest beginning in 1929.

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