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Scouting for Food

Sat, Mar 24-Apr 14, 2018

Event iCal

Sat, Mar 24
Sat, Apr 14

Scouts have the opportunity to collect food door-to-door, bag drop with labels and pick up the bags another day, work at a food bank or support the purchase of pre-packaged grocery bags in participating central Indiana Kroger stores on Saturdays during the SFF dates. I prefer the door to door method and is a great activity for a den meeting or a patrol activity.
Ed Richard will have Kroger bags and Lables at the February roundtable.. You can also contact me to make arrangements to get some bags and labels. Yes, you can start collecting food or work in a pantry before the official start date due to conflicts with spring break and  outings.
Scouting for Food is a national Boy Scout community stewardship project aimed at addressing the problem of hunger in communities we live in. Crossroads of America Council participates in this annual spring food collection program with all proceeds staying in central Indiana. Each year Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Venturing Crews partner with the Girl Scouts to collect food, supporting families in need. Scouting for Food will collect over 75,000 pounds of food to support needy families in central Indiana each year. Data show that 1 out of 8 Hoosiers live in poverty! Let’s give them a can of hope - a can of life!! This is an annual service project in the council to do our "Good Turn".

Ed Richard will have more information to follow when the start date get closer. 
"If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one." Mother Theresa 
"We can feed a hundred people, so let's get busy!!!" Ed Richard
Contact Ed Richard at 317-979-2651 or eprichard67@yahoo.com for more information. Participation in Scouting for Food counts towards service hours and you will receive a SFF patch! Scouts, Youth Friends, Leaders and Parents!  It takes a Village!!!! 

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