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Cycling Merit Badge - 25 Mile

Ride 4 of 7
Sat, May 26, 2018

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5 registered

Sat, May 26 @ 7:00 AM
Sat, May 26 @ 9:00 AM

Will be riding and presenting bike for inspection.  Be prepared to show the routine maintenance you would do and the checks before a ride.

If it is raining we will NOT ride!

Riding Dates

View All Cycling Ride Dates

  1. May 6 – 10 mile ride
  2. May 12 – 10 mile ride
  3. May 19 – 15 mile ride (I don’t think we leave for McCloud until later in the morning that day)
  4. May 26 – 25 mile ride
  5. May 28 – 10, 15, or 25 mile ride if needed (Memorial Day)
  6. June 2 – 25 mile ride (B&O trail ride registration due by May 24)
  7. June 23 – 50 mile ride.

The cycling merit badge will commence this Sunday morning.
Date: May 6
Time: 7:00 a.m.
Place: Wynbrooke Pool parking lot (near Porkchop's house at 10771 Affirmed Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46234)

Cycling Merit Badge Requirments
MB Counselor: Mark Clark

During this merit badge, kids will learn basics of bicycle maintenance/safety/laws.  They'll also need to do the following rides (providing a short report of interesting things they saw and their route on these rides):

  1. Two (2) 10 mile rides
  2. Two (2) 15 mile rides
  3. Two (2) 25 mile rides
  4. One (1) 50 mile ride in an 8 hour time frame (route has to be pre-planned in this case)

For one of the 25 mile rides we may attempt to take part in the B&O bicycle tour at the beginning of June.

To give a rough estimate of the amount of time that the rides should or could take:

  • 10 mile ride = we should be able to do these in about 40-50 minutes riding at a good clip
  • 15 mile ride = about 60-75 minutes (again at a good clip)
  • 25 mile ride = I'd allow 2 to 2.5 hours for this, some of the boys may find it useful to take a break half way thru
  • 50 mile ride = I think it would be good to break this down as a 20 mile ride/break/15 mile ride/break/15 mile ride

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