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Firecrafter Grand Ritual at Camp Belzer

The 90th Anniversay Grand Ritual
Fri, Aug 13-15, 2010

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6 registered

Scout Hut on Fri, Aug 13 @ 4:00 PM
Camp Belzer on Sun, Aug 15 @ 12:00 PM
$40 for Candidates



The 2010 Firecrafter Ritual will be held at Camp Belzer. Grand Ritual will be August 13-15. You must be in canp between 5:00 - 6:15 pm Friday night. The Ritual will start with or without you; therefore it is imperative you arrive on time.

Please eat prior to arriving on Friday night as there will not be dinner provided. You MUST stay the entire weekend. You will be free to leave at Noon on Sunday of the Grand Ritual. Interdenominational services will be held on Sunday.

Come dressed in work clothes, and pack a clean class A uniform. You should also bring all necessary items for an overnight hike, including your own shelter, water bottle flashlighf and cooking gear. You will have the opportunity to shower, so plan to bring anything necessary for a shower. Your Fire-by-Friction set and fire building materials (bird's nest. foil. etc) that vou made at summer camn are MANDATORY. As well as your copy of the Boy Scout Handbook.

DO NOT BRING any type of tent poles, tent pegs, fire-making materials (matches, lighters, etc), a watch, an alarm cloclg or a radio. Bringing any of these items may result in DISQUALIFICATION from the Ritual. You are responsible for what you bring so make sure everything has your name on it.

Pack a breakfast of 1 or 2 eggs, a meat, bread and a hot drink (refrigerate by small cooler with ice or cold pack). NO refrigeration will be provided, unless for medical reasons.

The Ritual fee is $40, payable when you arrive. The Ritual fee includes insimia, certification, a picture of your Ritual Class and membership fees dues until age 21, and all meals except breakfast on Saturday.

If you have any questions, consult the Fire Chief of your camp or David Joest, Firecrafter Council Chief, at (317) 362-1261. You can also email Mr. Joest at dwjoest@purdue.edu.

Review your Handbook, practice your Scouting skills, and hone your Fire-by Friction abilities. During the course of the Ritual, you will be tested in all areas of Scouting.

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