Popcorn Test Sell (Sun 10a-12p) at Avon Lowes
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Max Registration Reached of
Contact Mr. Burke, Scoutmaster, if you have questions.
Registration is left open to those currently registered allowing edits or removal only.
1 registered
7893 E US Hwy 36, Avon, IN 46123
Our troop's very own, Alex Alcalde, has been working directly with Trail's End on a new program for selling popcorn. Trail's End would like to test the software out using Troop 306.
Since we are testing out the new software, our scouts that help sell get 100% of the commission to go towards paying fo Summer Camp, that's 70% for all products sold (the troop nor council are taking a cut). That's HUGE!
We are asking for one day's worth of selling (really only a couple hours).
If a Scout does not want to signup for a Storefront Shift, they can also do Wagon Sales on their own time over the weekend (no shift signup required). Simply contact Alex Alcalde for details.
Location: Avon Lowes - 7893 E US Hwy 36, Avon, IN 46123
Saturday May 18th (1 Scout per Shift)
Sunday May 19th (1 Scout per Shift)
Products & Pricing:
- 30 oz Popping Corn - $10
- Salted Caramel Popcorn - $10
- Donut Shop Blend - Ground Coffee (12 oz) - $15
- Campfire Blend Coffee K-Cups (32 Count) - $20
- Movie Theater Microwave Popcorn (24 Count) - $25
- Chocolatey Caramel Crunch - $25
Important! Parents/Scouts MUST complete the following Registration Process and sign up online for shift.
Scout Registration Instructions:
- Scouts/Parents must create new accounts at Trails-End.com, and register to the following unit for access to the app (below).
Note: Scouts may signup using the same email address they currently have on file with Trail's End. However, a unique user id for this test period must be created.- Council: App Test Council
District: 2019 App Test
Unit: CAC – Troop 0306
- Council: App Test Council
- Download the new app on a phone that the scout will have access to during selling (parents/scouts should remove the Scout Fundraising app from their phone before downloading the new app if it's currently on their phone).
- When done with shift, complete the Scout Storefront Sale Survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Storefront-Sales
Scout - App Storefront Sales Instructions:
As scouts sell with the app for Storefront sales, ensure all the following steps are completed during the process of selling.
General Functionality Testing Procedure:
- Register an account
- Using the TE provide Council/District/Unit for reg.
- Account Info
- Upload a Profile Picture
- Verify/Correct Personal Info
- Change Password
- Change Unit
- Change to a new unit and change back
- Sign In / Sign Out
Storefront Sales Testing Procedure:
- Register for an upcoming storefront shift
- View registered shift on My Shifts
- Withdraw from a storefront shift
- Verify Starting Inventory
- Enter a Cash Order
- Enter Credit Orders
- Swipe
- Manual Key
- Enter an order with the military upsell
- Orders
- View Order Details
- Email Customer Receipt
- Refund
- Cash
- Credit
- Verify Total Sales (account for refunded orders)
- Verify Final Inventory (account for refunded orders)
- Verify Cash Owed to Unit (account for refunded orders)
- After shift is over, go back into storefront to view shift details (sales, inventory, orders)
Please direct all questions to: Alex Alcalde aalcalde@indy.rr.com